SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: MISS RUBY on 19 December 2011, 06:23:05 pm

Title: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: MISS RUBY on 19 December 2011, 06:23:05 pm
Hi girls,
been suprisingly busy this afternoon , did finish with a client(who was in the shower) and answer a call at the same time from another one.  , no complaints by him  but i dont usually do it. just have wondered if this is what other girls have to do too.
feedback welcome
Ruby x
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 19 December 2011, 06:43:59 pm
Not something I would do until the client I was with was out the door.
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: ladyjennaj on 19 December 2011, 07:05:48 pm
I have never answered another call whilst with a client  :-\
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: EmilyJones on 19 December 2011, 07:18:11 pm
Me neither. I mean, if you've maybe got enough space in your incall flat to be far away enough from the bathroom that if a client's in the shower and you answer your phone in the kitchen then he can't hear, then I suppose technically no one is harmed? But if there's even a tiny chance the current client could hear, you're taking a big risk that he'll be upset about it.

It's really commonly mentioned in bad reviews, although probably more the "she answered the phone to take her next bookings while I was giving her oral" sort of thing which I'm sure no sane escort would ever do! But still, it's important to remember how sensitive many clients are - it's not like if I'm in a hair salon and the stylist goes off leaving me with absurdly 'cool' magazines that I don't understand while my hair dye develops so she can chat to her next client. In that situation, I obviously don't need the stylist hovering over me every single second and would rather be left alone for 30 mins so I can try to figure out which cool photographers from cool bits of East London are the coolest at the moment. :P But our job is really super-personal and basically boils down to making a man feel really wanted in exchange for money. So I think it's fair that each of our clients has our undivided attention for the whole booking - we do get paid quite well, after all.

Plus, there's always the safety side. I think the main reason I don't answer my phone during bookings is because I could never take my attention off a client if it's just me and him alone in my incall flat. Not because I think he'd definitely do anything, but just because of that tiny chance that he might. I mean, I've heard enough stories of knicker-thieves and other perfectly silly but very tedious things that I don't even leave my underwear in the room if the client's alone in there! So I wouldn't go off to faff with my phone and get really distracted lest I go back in to find my entire underwear drawer mysteriously vanished. :P

In summary: Keep both eyes on your client, I reckon. Both to make him feel wanted and to make sure he doesn't accidentally 'drop' your pants into his pocket!
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Mellow on 19 December 2011, 07:52:27 pm
I'd feel really rude if I answered a call whilst still with a client.  I agree, you need to give your present client your full attention at all times not just to make him feel good but to make sure hes not the 1/100 or whatever it is who would manage to steal all your underwear and money in the 20 seconds it takes to answer the phone to what could well be a timewaster!
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: ladyjennaj on 19 December 2011, 11:50:25 pm
Very true. It would be kinda rude... ::)
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Rooby on 20 December 2011, 12:19:33 am
I've never answered a call, but I have returned a text when the client was in the shower. The bathroom door was closed and the water was running so my chances of being caught were limited...

Also, in my defence, it was a life or death situation! A cancellation appointment had opened up at the Hairdressers and it means I can get my roots done before Christmas  :)

R xx
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 20 December 2011, 12:57:00 am
I really don't see the harm in answering a call while the guy is in shower though I agree it should not be answered during the service.

Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Friday on 20 December 2011, 01:07:20 am
Yeah I would see it as rude.

I know the guys find it extremely rude
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: ParisB on 20 December 2011, 06:22:48 am
 My flat is a is on two levels so when clients are showering ect its not a problem for me to anwser calls in the lounge with the door shut as they can't hear me but I would never do this in the room with them
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: MISS RUBY on 20 December 2011, 08:48:01 am
Thanks for all youre feedback on that one,  I always have my phone on silent during the visit and luckily the client was in the shower but it really is better for me to get back to the next client after the present one has left the flat.
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: River on 20 December 2011, 09:55:04 am
If they are showering, then yes always:
Hiya, yes I'm working today.
My landlord is just finishing up fixing the shower/boiler/leaky tap
and should be finished in 15 minutes/1 hour.
Would you like me to call you then or would you like to call back?

I'd never say more, other than to give my website address.
There is no way I'd let a client know I'd answered a call, though.
And would finish the call if the shower noises stopped:
Gotta go, bye
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: lexii-t on 17 January 2012, 04:26:33 pm
i have a question about this taking calls whilst with a client. i hope you will share your opinions.
i am starting out indy and am lucky enough to have someone who will be "buddying me" so it has been discussed at length that on arrival at the outcall (as i dont have an incall venue) to drop them a quick call to show arrival, and "check in" and then to text at the end of the allotted time and to have me return the call within a time frame after this check in text.
i see this as a potential security aspect in order to make sure i leave when supposed to and arrive where and when i am supposed to.
so my quesiton is would this sort of buddy calling system be considered inappropriate or not?
also i would not personally be taking initial contact calls as i intend on the use of two phones, one for me and one for my "buddy" and my buddies number is the one which will be initially posted on my site when it goes live
 i have been reading the forum for a little while now and looking for potential answers to the lots of questions including the question of security checks and checking in etc and i know that there is not going to be a definitive answer but it all seems very confusing.
so any advice or links to topics would be appreciated

Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: EmilyJones on 17 January 2012, 04:37:38 pm
i have been reading the forum for a little while now and looking for potential answers to the lots of questions including the question of security checks and checking in etc and i know that there is not going to be a definitive answer but it all seems very confusing.
so any advice or links to topics would be appreciated

It sounds like you already have the general method down pat; you don't give yourself enough credit. :) What you described in your post is the best way to do security - a quick call to your buddy in front of the client once you've arrived, and a quick call at the end of the booking so your buddy knows you're safe. This lets all your clients know that you are not alone and that you are therefore NOT as vulnerable as a lone woman might seem. 99% of clients won't really be fussed about all this at all because they'll have no intention of doing anything wrong, but that tiny percentage with bad intentions will likely get very upset/angry when you try to do a security call and this is your bright shining sign to grab your stuff and literally run out the door. Don't walk. Run!

That's very rare, though, thankfully. It's just really important to have that backup. A buddy can also help you feel more confident when it comes to guys who seem a bit "off". You might doubt yourself, worry that you're overreacting, but when you tell a friend, "He won't make eye-contact with me" or "he keeps asking for services I don't offer" etc, your friend will be more objectively able to tell you that things don't sound right. This can give you more confidence to act on your instincts.

The phonecalls that are being discussed in the rest of this thread are, as far as I'm aware, calls from other clients taken while in a booking with another client. I've already said I wouldn't dare do this, but I don't even take very many bookings each week so there's really no need for me to be taking more than a couple of calls every day anyway. So for full-time workers who like to be really busy, it could clearly be a very different perspective, as said above by one or two posters.

The issue of having a friend take calls for you in the way you mention hasn't actually been discussed for a good while (as far as I can remember) so you might want to start a fresh topic for that. :) I would briefly say that it probably doesn't matter as long as your buddy A) knows how to deal with timewasters and creeps and worse, cos you don't want them getting burnout on your behalf! and B) will be able to answer all questions accurately, cos you don't want them going, "Er... yes?" if asked, say, whether you are fully shaved, and then have a client end up grumping at you for lying on the phone if you're not actually bare down there. That's a bit of a silly example but you know what I mean! It's very important for the vast majority of clients that they get honest answers to questions, as much as possible (obviously pervy or stupid questions, including direct requests for your address if you're working from a place that you don't want to be telling all and sundry about) anyway, so make sure your buddy knows all about you!
Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Dexi Delite on 17 January 2012, 04:41:22 pm
I never answer calls from a client when with a client, however I do make a point of calling my security buddy in front of the client and making sure my client knows that my buddy will be calling me back at the allotted time.

Title: Re: Answering calls to clients whilst with a client
Post by: Pearl on 21 January 2012, 05:50:39 pm
I leave the mobile in silent mode and then, after the client is out of the door, I check the list of missing call...