I would imagine that most people on this board very nuch enjoy what they do, or they wouldn't be here!. As for being negative, it's a logical thing, we are not going to come here and write about every client we see, most bookings will go smoothly and very well. It's only the bad ones where someone needs someone to talk to that will really get voiced here.
Quite! Also, considering the number of I LOVE MY JOB threads that still get started, it seems that many agree.
I have to say that those threads, while of course mostly harmless and lovely, do concern me a little - you know, because we
are allowed to dislike our job sometimes. You can even dislike it all the time - lots of people feel that way about lots of different types of jobs! A wise and understanding view of prostitution doesn't involve everyone loving it 100% of the time anymore than it involves everyone being 100% trafficked, or similar nonsense.
There is a lot of senstivity and "delicate subject matter" around our work, of course, so I know it's not
exactly like working in Tesco. To be honest, I find it to be most similar to the time I worked in a care home, but anyway that's another thread.

So I'm glad lots of people are thrilled to be involved in this work because always lovely to enjoy your job. I, for one, try not to repeat my "it's great being able to fit decently-paid work in around my studies" line ad infinitum but it's always true. But like exotic princess and Candy pointed out, there are upsides and downsides and I think anyone posting to express disappointment at those who talk about the downsides are being rather unsupportive of the huge variances in situation and personal experience that can occur, as in any profession.
This might just be over-sensitivity on my part, though! I do feel sometimes there's an undercurrent on certain forums (not so much this one) that "if she doesn't like it, she should go earn peanuts at Tescos instead! How dare she take all this money and not even be grateful!" or something... and considering that, after tax, I'm definitely
not earning more than a regular office/admin type, I feel that perhaps the idea that you're letting the side [of delighted career prossies] down by being openly pragmatic about the business irks me. It's not a case of being given a hundred quid while you shut your eyes and wait while a bloke has a wank in the corner of the room, after all! (Well, not always.
