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Author Topic: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?  (Read 5992 times)


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Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« on: 19 November 2010, 11:02:03 pm »
Ive been an escort for a few weeks now and Im starting to enjoy it! Before I started escorting I didnt enjoy having sex but now Im enjoying it. Its such a turn on meeting someone you dont even know and having passionate sex with them and going to lovely appartments and after releasing all that sexual tension that was there at the start and then enjoying a nice drink and a nice chat with a clients..Its wonderful.
Am I the only one who is enjoying it? Ive noticed theres always a lot of negativity and Im told that not a lot of escorts enjoy what they do. Is that true?

I havent yet had a bad expirience..well I have but nothing really bad like rape or bareback forcing. When/If that happens I probably wont enjoy my job so much lol

Peace and Love girls ( and guys)


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2010, 11:32:21 pm »
I enjoy knowing that I've given my client a session that has really
blown their mind(as well as other regions) its a turn on to create fantasies
for them and immerse myself in the whole planning of it.
Being a good girl from now on.

exotic princess

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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #2 on: 20 November 2010, 12:37:50 am »
I get nervous before hand am also excited!!

I enjoy what i do , i have made a few friends in this industry...but i have met a weirdo or two, clearly i enjoy this less.  Remember this is not the safest job in the world.  AAnd some clients do try to take the piss.  ;-)

But it is , i find, addictive, when i get the money, and i have finsihed with one client, i always want to carry on, but sometimes i have had a scummy client and that is grose. lol



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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #3 on: 20 November 2010, 01:04:01 am »
I enjoy escorting, I get a buzz meeting new people and before i was just hammering webcams 70 hours a week so its nice to get out now and then lol

after doing the phones then cams then escorting i was suprised the the guys you actually meet are in general the nicest bunch and the real creepy wierdos keep online/on the phone

Of course it's like any job with many annoyances and frustrations but hey do i really want to be back working in call centres?! nope lol  ;D


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #4 on: 20 November 2010, 04:23:11 am »
No bitch you are not the only one who enjoys being a whore  ;)

Everyone here enjoys sucking dick and getting fuck...myself included, but not so much the getting fucked part  :P

**Gay people call everyone bitch and whore, please do not take offense**

Unacceptable language following repeated unofficial warnings, unnecessarily crude, coarse and inappropriate post content.

« Last Edit: 20 November 2010, 12:28:47 pm by amy »


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #5 on: 20 November 2010, 10:43:08 am »

Am I the only one who is enjoying it? Ive noticed theres always a lot of negativity and Im told that not a lot of escorts enjoy what they do. Is that true?

I would imagine that most people on this board very nuch enjoy what they do, or they wouldn't be here!. As for being negative, it's a logical thing, we are not going to come here and write about every client we  see, most bookings will go smoothly and very well. It's only the bad ones where someone needs someone to talk to that will really get voiced here.
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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #6 on: 20 November 2010, 10:57:58 am »
I would imagine that most people on this board very nuch enjoy what they do, or they wouldn't be here!. As for being negative, it's a logical thing, we are not going to come here and write about every client we  see, most bookings will go smoothly and very well. It's only the bad ones where someone needs someone to talk to that will really get voiced here.

Quite! Also, considering the number of I LOVE MY JOB threads that still get started, it seems that many agree.

I have to say that those threads, while of course mostly harmless and lovely, do concern me a little - you know, because we are allowed to dislike our job sometimes. You can even dislike it all the time - lots of people feel that way about lots of different types of jobs! A wise and understanding view of prostitution doesn't involve everyone loving it 100% of the time anymore than it involves everyone being 100% trafficked, or similar nonsense.

There is a lot of senstivity and "delicate subject matter" around our work, of course, so I know it's not exactly like working in Tesco. To be honest, I find it to be most similar to the time I worked in a care home, but anyway that's another thread. :P

So I'm glad lots of people are thrilled to be involved in this work because always lovely to enjoy your job. I, for one, try not to repeat my "it's great being able to fit decently-paid work in around my studies" line ad infinitum but it's always true. But like exotic princess and Candy pointed out, there are upsides and downsides and I think anyone posting to express disappointment at those who talk about the downsides are being rather unsupportive of the huge variances in situation and personal experience that can occur, as in any profession.

This might just be over-sensitivity on my part, though! I do feel sometimes there's an undercurrent on certain forums (not so much this one) that "if she doesn't like it, she should go earn peanuts at Tescos instead! How dare she take all this money and not even be grateful!" or something... and considering that, after tax, I'm definitely not earning more than a regular office/admin type, I feel that perhaps the idea that you're letting the side [of delighted career prossies] down by being openly pragmatic about the business irks me. It's not a case of being given a hundred quid while you shut your eyes and wait while a bloke has a wank in the corner of the room, after all! (Well, not always. ;D)
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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #7 on: 20 November 2010, 12:47:15 pm »
Joey, you've been sailing close to the wind for days and that post gets you a warning. Yet AGAIN, this language is not necessary and not wanted here. And whilst it's nothing to do with this specific warning, all gay people do not call everyone 'bitch' and 'whore', and you will not be doing that here again either.

As Emily says a job is a job - I don't expect to hear cab drivers or shop assistants constantly waxing lyrical about how fantastic their work is and I can never understand why people expect us to do so either - I'm fed up with feeling I have to constantly justify my choice of occupation and I find that most work days are like any other job I've had; some are great, some are crap and the vast majority are comnpletely run-of-the-mill and unremarkable. Some people enjoy sex work, some people hate it and some are pretty ambivalent - the difference is, unlike everyone else (including people who earn far, far less per hour than we do) if we dare to admit that it isn't like Christmas and birthdays all rolled into one every single day, we're immediately told we are exploited victims of the patriachy, who should immediately be rescued to go back and clean bogs for ?6 an hour before we're damaged even further by all the terrible abuse. Has anybody ever heard of teachers or nurses being advised like this just because they've had a bad day? I can't say I have.

One thing I will say is that 'everyone here' is not here for the same reasons and nor will they enjoy the same things; if all I was interested in doing or liked about the job was having sex with lots of strangers, I wouldn't be asking them for money - why would I? If I did it for free I could have sex with a lot more strangers. Of all the different facets of the job, thats probably the least important to me by a long shot.


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #8 on: 20 November 2010, 02:45:03 pm »
I'm really happy that others are enjoying their work and thanks for bringing up valid points  Emily and Amy. I think people should be allowed to feel however they like about their job whether it be cleaning or escorting. I just feel sex is even better when your getting paid.  ;D
when I first started this job I didn't expect to enjoy it at all, I just needed  the money. I thought I would feel like less of a person and feel dirty but it's just come as a bit of a shock to me that I'm enjoying it so much . When ever I see escorts on tv it was always in a negative way. I just wish there  wasn't such a bad stigma about it  lool I didn't mean to patronize or anything.
And joey you make me laugh lol



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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #9 on: 20 November 2010, 04:04:25 pm »
It was mixed.

Sometimes the truth is that it is great. There were nights when I could have floated home, having had a fabulous time and with the money in the bag. For anyone who's had doubts about themselves, "being desired so much they will pay" can be a headrush in itself.

Sometimes it wasn't and there are a limited number of places to say that without it adversely affecting your business (especially for women with profiles on the punter boards) or being jumped on as evidence that you're a victim of the patriarchy who needs to stop, now.

It was having an enforced break and realising that I really only wanted to see one person out of the last dozen or so again that led to the decision to stop.
« Last Edit: 13 May 2013, 09:42:05 pm by Richard »

Bella Tey

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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #10 on: 20 November 2010, 04:21:33 pm »
Richard summed it up very well! 


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #11 on: 21 November 2010, 01:23:25 am »
My friends hate me.
Just coz I smile and say:

You should never do any job or career
if you would not be totally delighted to do similar for free.

I get a lot of sour looks!

If all jobs paid the same
and I had the skill set required to do any work in the world
This would be in my top 5 choices.
{Well I don't think I could live with myself if I chose this over a job where I personally find a cure for cancer    ::)  }


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #12 on: 21 November 2010, 10:23:13 am »
Hi everyone!

I love my job as well. I like the fact that its flexible, and I can easily fit it into my student life without much hassle.
I only do this part time, but even a couple of hours a week gives me incredible pocket money.

When I know I've done my best and left a client happy, I feel awesome: its a great confidence booster. It also gives me a thrill to have a little secret life of my own ^.^

So many reasons to love escorting!


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #13 on: 21 November 2010, 05:11:27 pm »
i do really enjoy being an escort. Working my own hours and being my own boss, but it can be stressful just like any other job. If i hated being an escort i wouldn't do it.
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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #14 on: 21 November 2010, 08:26:19 pm »
EXACTLY What Amy said.  ;D
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin