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Author Topic: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?  (Read 5942 times)


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #15 on: 21 November 2010, 10:29:58 pm »
I do like my job, and I wouldn't have it any other way - as Jodie said, I think I'm the only one out of all my friends who is entirely happy with what I do for a living. Anything you spend a lot of time doing is going to have it's moments but I wouldn't change a thing - a thread was posted on a punting board some time ago asking ladies to arrange some occupations in order of what they would choose if they all paid the same and if I recall, whoring came either top or second (of cleaning toilets, shelf filling and so on - I think slaughtering animals was one of the others). I'm not sure the lady who posted it was expecting the results, either.

But no-one should feel bad because they don't feel the same way, and it doesn't mean that you're not good at your job or that you shouldn't be doing it. People (for the most part) engage in paid work first and foremost to earn money, and anything else is a bonus really.


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #16 on: 21 November 2010, 10:42:47 pm »
I like being my own boss, and the feeling of pride I get when I have a good time with a client(and I mean he feels good too!). You don't get that sort of reward from other jobs, in fact a lot of jobs out there involve being with a load of whingers with little recognition. Escorting, and being self-employed makes me feel as if I matter, and am simply not a small cog in a big machine.

There are however days that make me want to scream, and sometimes things can feel very personal - for instance if someone messes around, or you get difficult phonecalls/texts/emails. It can appear to be an individual attack.

The good times definitely outweigh the bad ones, just as much or even more than other lines of work. It is scary though that if we have a bad day, or don't feel like it that we are then looked upon as being 'victims'. I've worked hard in all sorts of jobs, for low pay and in sometimes dangerous or bad conditions. Was I not a 'victim' then?


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #17 on: 22 November 2010, 09:36:10 am »
I love my job - mostly, lol.

I am not a victim, I am an empowered, sexual woman.  Plus the cash comes in handy.


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #18 on: 28 November 2010, 12:31:35 am »
I do enjoy the job a lot, and luckily for me, the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. It hasn't always been the case, so that's why I appreciate the position I am in now even more. I hope it will continue like this (touch wood!).

BUT the problem for me is...I think it's TOO good, and I know when the day comes when it's time for me to hang up my stockings for good and go back to a more conventional job, I will find it VERY difficult to adjust. But that's another thread I guess!


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #19 on: 28 November 2010, 01:21:49 am »
if we dare to admit that it isn't like Christmas and birthdays all rolled into one every single day, we're immediately told we are exploited victims of the patriachy, who should immediately be rescued to go back and clean bogs for ?6 an hour before we're damaged even further by all the terrible abuse.

Thats so true! And it doesn't just come from outsiders, sometimes it comes from the 'internal customers'. That is our co-workers. In other words, other escorts! Some people feel the need that if we have a single bad day, or that we feel off...that suddenly we're not fit for the job.


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #20 on: 28 November 2010, 12:59:25 pm »
if we dare to admit that it isn't like Christmas and birthdays all rolled into one every single day, we're immediately told we are exploited victims of the patriachy, who should immediately be rescued to go back and clean bogs for ?6 an hour before we're damaged even further by all the terrible abuse.

Thats so true! And it doesn't just come from outsiders, sometimes it comes from the 'internal customers'. That is our co-workers. In other words, other escorts! Some people feel the need that if we have a single bad day, or that we feel off...that suddenly we're not fit for the job.

Sometimes it comes from ourselves too - I can't be the only person who's had one of those excruciatingly awful bookings take them completely by surprise and leave them wondering whether they're up to the job or not? I had a shocker about a month ago which was so genuinely awful (to the point where I spent the next couple of weeks checking new FRs daily, fully expecting my first bad one to appear) that I almost contemplated wandering down to Tesco and picking up an application form. For about two days, anyway  ;D.

Every job which involves more than the bare minimum of physical movement and cognitive thought is bound to bring the occasional bad day and feelings of self doubt. What annoys me is the way that we're jumped on by the pack if we ever dare to express them.


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #21 on: 28 November 2010, 08:36:36 pm »
I had a shocker about a month ago which was so genuinely awful (to the point where I spent the next couple of weeks checking new FRs daily, fully expecting my first bad one to appear) that I almost contemplated wandering down to Tesco and picking up an application form. For about two days, anyway  ;D.

omg, what happened? I dont think you ever told us about....I'm sure it wasn't the nasty thief guy because that happened over a month ago right?


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Re: Am I the only escort whos actually enjoying my job..?
« Reply #22 on: 28 November 2010, 09:11:00 pm »
Oh nothing bad happened in that way - this was just a really, really awful booking with a client I hadn't met before who turned out to be unbelievably rude (but not in the obvious way that you could feasilbly throw them out for), disrespectful, demanding and lacking in every possible pleasant character trait as well as being extremely difficult and childish, with a list of requests as long as your arm yet no idea of how or why he wanted any of them - he left well before the appointment time was up and I was glad.

I never posted about it on here partly because I do think a lot of it was just that he booked the wrong person (me) and someone a bit more tolerant (ie. prepared to be bossed about and patronised to within an inch of their life) might have got on with him fine, and partly because I was so paranoid at the time I thought he was just the sort of supercilious prick to be reading the forum and recognise himself. But it was so awful (and thank God I had a much nicer one later that day who made me feel better) that I did get that 'that's it, you've lost it' feeling for a few days - it just goes go show that no matter how long you've worked, there'll always be the odd one that throws you.