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Author Topic: Am I at fault here or is it the client?  (Read 5203 times)


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Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« on: 26 May 2016, 12:24:57 pm »
Had a new client contact me yesterday for an appointment today at 1pm, all sounds fine then last nite he sent me a text saying he was 30 years old and still a virgin and is that ok? I replied with of course its ok, that I'm experienced in this sort of thing and that I think I could make his first time really nice.

So this morning, I confirmed his appointment at 9am like I said I would and he got back to me straight away confirming. All is well so I text him at 11.30 with the address and saying at the end that I will text him once I'm ready so he can call to gain access to my building.

This is where is goes totally idiotic.....

He texts me back (in a different tone from his other texts) saying no, he will have to phone me before hand because he doesn't know where that is. By the way, I gave him the street address that I actually live on, which building it is, a very well known landmark AND the postcode.

So I text him back saying that lots and lots of people don't know where it is but they use google or apps on their phone to find me (he's got an iPhone) and said that I have many clients from different countries that have no problem finding me as Google etc will bring him straight to me and I said that if I'm trying to direct his whole journey for him while I'm trying to get ready for him that I will end up being late for his appointment.

He texts back saying I've REALLY put him off and that he wants to cancel.

End of the day, I leave enough time inbetween clients purely to get myself showered, ready and prepared for them and to allow for my client to have his showers and things on my own time plus any time we may run over as I don't have a clock in my room AND as it happens, after this client....I have a client at 3pm that's NON ESCORT RELATED (beauty stuff) that I have to prepare for so I basically don't have time to guide this guy's whole journey for him.

It's surely the clients job to find his way and plan his journey? I've never had this in 5 years of escorting. Sure I've had questions about where I am which I've no issues answering but this guy was not willing to even look as he sent me back the message about not knowing where I was instantly after I sent him the address.

So I text back saying ok the booking is cancelled but I said are you sure it's not the fact that your 30 years old and a virgin who's making no effort to use google like everyone else does that's made you want to cancel but somehow using me as an excuse? I said I've been nothing but polite, friendly and reliable with you and I was totally committed to our appointment. I said I've given full address, postcode and well known landmark, would have been happy to answer any questions but I simply can't answer your call and direct your journey for you while I'm suppose to be getting ready. I said you must be very delicate if that's all it took to put you off.

He then starts going on about how he is very delicate and I have no idea what's gone on in his life. And he said if I had been a little patient with him then he would have had no problem finding it.

I replied with of course I have no idea whats happened in his life as we're 2 complete strangers and I won't have him making me feel guilty for what ever has happened in his life and I asked that we leave it at that.

He texts back asking if I will still see him.

I text back saying absolutely not.

So have I somehow been in the wrong here? I personally don't think I did anything wrong but he's making me feel as if I've been either unprofessional or impatient (his words) for not talking this guy through the journey on the phone?

« Last Edit: 26 May 2016, 12:37:19 pm by Kendra »


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2016, 12:31:43 pm »
Whatever has gone on in his life is not your problem, at the end of the day you did everything you could to ensure he finds your address you owe him nothing. 

Clients are generally given a postcode and a roadname and 99.9% of them find their way without any problem.


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2016, 12:35:30 pm »
Whatever has gone on in his life is not your problem, at the end of the day you did everything you could to ensure he finds your address you owe him nothing. 

Clients are generally given a postcode and a roadname and 99.9% of them find their way without any problem.

I know, that's what I was thinking cause after reading loads of comments on here over the seems common practise for most escorts to be far more coy about their address that I am. I only give full address because I live in a MASSIVE building so it's not as much of a big deal as it would be if it was a little building with 6 flats or something. There's hundreds of flats in my building x


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #3 on: 26 May 2016, 12:45:14 pm »
The only thing you did wrong as far as I'm concerned was continuing contact with him after:

He texts back saying I've REALLY put him off and that he wants to cancel.

All the:

So I text back saying ok the booking is cancelled but I said are you sure it's not the fact that your 30 years old and a virgin who's making no effort to use google like everyone else does that's made you want to cancel but somehow using me as an excuse? I said I've been nothing but polite, friendly and reliable with you and I was totally committed to our appointment. I said I've given full address, postcode and well known landmark, would have been happy to answer any questions but I simply can't answer your call and direct your journey for you while I'm suppose to be getting ready. I said you must be very delicate if that's all it took to put you off.

is, as ever, a complete waste of your time and energy. He's cancelled, so it's time to forget all about it and move on to the next one. That said, personally I doubt I'd have taken him seriously after:

then last nite he sent me a text saying he was 30 years old and still a virgin and is that ok?

If he had that much of a concern about this he'd have mentioned it when he booked IME, like any other genuine punter.

mature helen

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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #4 on: 26 May 2016, 12:46:38 pm »
I only give the postcode and the name of the street, he sounds immature and in need of "hand holding" all the way to your front door, at the end of the day you're not a social worker or child minder you're an escort.
I think there is a reason why he's still a virgin at 30.


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #5 on: 26 May 2016, 12:51:03 pm »
Agreed Amy, and Helen  :D


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #6 on: 26 May 2016, 12:53:53 pm »
He's too much of a delicate flower for me... I give postcode, my road, and the nearby road that's best for parking and everyone finds me - only ever had one or two need last-minute directions.

He may have bad social anxiety, OCD or something - there's probably a reason for his virginity!
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #7 on: 26 May 2016, 12:58:14 pm »
He's too much of a delicate flower for me... I give postcode, my road, and the nearby road that's best for parking and everyone finds me - only ever had one or two need last-minute directions.

He may have bad social anxiety, OCD or something - there's probably a reason for his virginity!

Ah yes, I also tell them where they can park in my text. In fact, I've had a few people text me back saying thank you for sending such detailed instructions of how to find me x


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #8 on: 26 May 2016, 01:01:44 pm »
He seems a bit too high maintenance and difficult for his own good. Yes some less experienced clients can get nervous but none of us exist to play games and hand hold them through the whole process. Did he just expect to have you on the phone the entire time of him coming to you?

That said I think your text back was a bit unnecessary. Should have just agreed to the cancellation as annoying as it is instead of poking him with a stick to start a fight because you're angry.


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #9 on: 26 May 2016, 01:11:30 pm »
He seems a bit too high maintenance and difficult for his own good. Yes some less experienced clients can get nervous but none of us exist to play games and hand hold them through the whole process. Did he just expect to have you on the phone the entire time of him coming to you?

That said I think your text back was a bit unnecessary. Should have just agreed to the cancellation as annoying as it is instead of poking him with a stick to start a fight because you're angry.

Yeah I responded because he clearly thought I somehow put him RIGHT off so I stupidly tried to explain that I wasn't at fault.

It's like the guys who really get under my skin and get a reaction out of me, the reaction is usually an explanation or to try and show them where they have gone wrong.

I know deep down that you can't argue with ignorance but sometimes I just can't help myself.



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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #10 on: 26 May 2016, 01:14:54 pm »
Agree with others that a simple "I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, have a good day." was unnecessary.  (if that. No reply at all is fine, too).


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #11 on: 26 May 2016, 01:16:34 pm »
The problem is if you insult them and it turns into a fight you might never hear the end of them. It's better to just give them the professional line and not let them know they got to you. Better to not waste your time on people playing stupid games.


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #12 on: 26 May 2016, 01:21:39 pm »
Thanks ladies. I haven't heard another thing from him after I said I wouldn't see him so long may that continue.



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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #13 on: 26 May 2016, 01:56:41 pm »
He sounds like he has a mental disability to me. I knew an escort who would see this autistic guy who when he couldn't find his way will start going crazy and screaming and stuff. When he came in it was clear he wasn't right in the head. Mumbling, unable to speak properly, his bottom lip hanging, drooling on himself.  :( soo that guy probably has a disability. And he's a virgin at 30? C'mon, it's as clear as day. I'm not even trying to be nasty or funny. I am so serious right now.


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Re: Am I at fault here or is it the client?
« Reply #14 on: 26 May 2016, 02:20:52 pm »
Agree with Amy.

Stop worrying and forget about it.  Not all bookings are meant to work out.  If they do, great but if some don't, no biggie.  Move on, there are worst things in life, like today's bad weather ::)   ;D  "I'm 30 yrs old virgin" would have been a red flag.  A telltale sign of TWs (including those who ALMOST come so near you).  Too much time on his hands, clearly.  You were his today's entertainment.
« Last Edit: 26 May 2016, 02:24:11 pm by newbieNW »