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Author Topic: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(  (Read 5431 times)


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All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« on: 23 May 2012, 09:05:44 pm »
yet another night of sitting and waiting for a booking - I've had 3 enquiries for tonight which looked promising so I have got myself all ready and have been waiting for them to confirm... and.... nothing.  Grrrrrrrrrrr!  :FF

Do you find that as soon as you decide to do something else and take time away from escorting that you get booking enquiries? Or that if you are not available that particular night you get loads of enquiries?  Its like a blooming watched pot never boils...  :FF

Ah well.  I have consoled myself with a bowl of ice cream instead... mmmmmmm


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2012, 09:10:40 pm »
Yes it's sods law.
If I get ready and dolled up I'll sit night after night with no bookings, if I decide to do something else, then I'll come home to missed calls and messages.


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #2 on: 23 May 2012, 09:16:56 pm »
its tricky isn't it, its a fine line between not getting ready unless you have a booking, but not needing to take too long to get ready.  I can be ready in around 30 minutes if I've already done my hair, but if I have to start completely from scratch it'll take me an hour and a half.

I guess I should give up hope tonight....  if I take my make up off I'm bound to get a booking, so perhaps I should do it!!!   :-\


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #3 on: 23 May 2012, 09:19:33 pm »
I usually have a bath, shave and wash my hair and then lounge around in pj's, then if a booking comes I'll get dressed quickly and do my makeup.

Yeah I dare you to take your make up off lol


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #4 on: 23 May 2012, 09:41:57 pm »
OK, make up is off now!!!  Come on AW bring it on, I dare you!!!  haha

The punters will probably wait until I am tucked up in bed asleep and then email me....

watch this space!!!  ;D


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #5 on: 23 May 2012, 10:05:27 pm »
This is always the way... the minute I say to myself oh I'm just going to go to bed... and then BOOM it's like they know... and then I take the bookings cause I'm like meh I'm awake anyway!

I usually have a bath, shave and wash my hair and then lounge around in pj's, then if a booking comes I'll get dressed quickly and do my makeup.

This is exactly what I do!

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2012, 10:11:18 pm »
Im glad i didnt take my make up off, a regular decided he would visit this afternoon which was handy as id had the timewasters and was getting a bit pissed off and ready to throw the towel in and just chill out.
once ive got into the mood for not working the phone goes off and thats end of it. 


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2012, 10:30:30 pm »
hey hun, its always the way!!!!

I get up have a shower, straighten my hair and do my makeup...but sometimes I'm lazy and don't bother!
I top my makeup up and go over my hair if i get a booking.
nothing worst than looking your best and not getting any bookings!

I try and get out and do bits and bobs whilst waiting for calls and if I am in town etc I find somewhere quiet to go, arrange booking and go to the incall house where I already have condoms, lube, underwear, spare change of clothes, heals, tooth brush, wash stuff etc etc and so i can go straight there from my norm job, friends houses, town etc.
Sometimes it's not the youngest or the richest clients you want or the ones you have most in common with.

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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #8 on: 23 May 2012, 10:42:48 pm »
As predicted, booking enquiry has come in - I'm going to pass on it tho, as by the time I have got ready and driven the 1 hour to get there, it will be WAY too late....   nevermind, I'm pretty tired now anyway  :P


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #9 on: 23 May 2012, 10:48:26 pm »
God, this is the sort of thing that makes me glad I don't take same day bookings. Even when I'm touring I don't sit about with my work gear on.

Lili, I've got to ask - what on earth do you do for an hour and a half? I can take that long to get ready, but provided my hair doesn't need washing (and I don't do it that often anyway) I can be ready, including sorting my room out, in a fairly leisurely half hour with time to spare? And I've done it in fifteen before, although not altogether successfully ;D.


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #10 on: 23 May 2012, 11:02:39 pm »
I have caved!  I am doing a midnight booking so I had better get my skates on!

Well, it can be an hour and a half to get ready if its bath, shaving, etc, hair wash, blow dry, straightening, make up and then deciding what to wear, programming sat nav, etc. etc.  I can do it quicker, but I am talking about from a standing start to leaving the house.

Sometimes I have bookings pre-arranged and I am lucky to have a good base of regulars, but its gone a bit quiet recently, so I just take the work when I can...

ta ta for now ladies :) xxxxxxxxx


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2012, 11:10:20 pm »
God, this is the sort of thing that makes me glad I don't take same day bookings. Even when I'm touring I don't sit about with my work gear on.

Lili, I've got to ask - what on earth do you do for an hour and a half? I can take that long to get ready, but provided my hair doesn't need washing (and I don't do it that often anyway) I can be ready, including sorting my room out, in a fairly leisurely half hour with time to spare? And I've done it in fifteen before, although not altogether successfully ;D.

My incall house is a 10 minute walk from my house I live in and to go over my hair, go over my makeup, get changed and lubed up takes me about 45 mins! I struggle with 30 x
Sometimes it's not the youngest or the richest clients you want or the ones you have most in common with.

For me the perfect partner is one where I never have to be myself.


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #12 on: 23 May 2012, 11:15:38 pm »
God, this is the sort of thing that makes me glad I don't take same day bookings. Even when I'm touring I don't sit about with my work gear on.

Lili, I've got to ask - what on earth do you do for an hour and a half? I can take that long to get ready, but provided my hair doesn't need washing (and I don't do it that often anyway) I can be ready, including sorting my room out, in a fairly leisurely half hour with time to spare? And I've done it in fifteen before, although not altogether successfully ;D.

My incall house is a 10 minute walk from my house I live in and to go over my hair, go over my makeup, get changed and lubed up takes me about 45 mins! I struggle with 30 x

I was just going to ask the same question lol...if I?m super organised and work frantically I can be ready in 90 minutes but in reality it takes me over just 2 hours to look my best (as in the girl in the pics)...that?s hair, make up, nails, clothes...I envy the girls who can do it in much less time!


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #13 on: 23 May 2012, 11:22:19 pm »
Well, quick shower and shave legs/underbits (if they need it): 5-8 minutes.
Hair (give it a shake and fasten front bit out of way with bobby pins): 2 minutes max.
Get dressed: 5 minutes, and only this long because I wear proper stockings.
Make up - bit of mascara, dab of foundation if needed and some tinted lip balm/cheek stain (thank God for Benefit): 5 minutes.
Get room sorted - throws and clean punter pillows on bed, condoms etc on side and lamps/music on: 5-8 minutes.
Put on shoes. Done = 30 minutes tops :D

I could just be a lazy cow, of course.


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Re: All dressed up and nowhere to go :(
« Reply #14 on: 24 May 2012, 07:56:13 am »

Quick shower - 3mins
Blow dry hair - 1 min
get dressed 2mins

That is 5 mins - must be a natural beauty - lol!

Then maybe a quick tidy up in the living room for a few mins - voila!

I don't wear make up ever, my hair is natural and I chuck on a jersey mini dress over undies and stockings. What do you lot do?
My incall house is a 10 minute walk from my house I live in and to go over my hair, go over my makeup, get changed and lubed up takes me about 45 mins! I struggle with 30 x

I was just going to ask the same question lol...if I?m super organised and work frantically I can be ready in 90 minutes but in reality it takes me over just 2 hours to look my best (as in the girl in the pics)...that?s hair, make up, nails, clothes...I envy the girls who can do it in much less time!