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Author Topic: A profession rant, I need one!  (Read 11404 times)

Welsh Lass

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A profession rant, I need one!
« on: 16 October 2009, 10:14:49 am »
There is nowhere else to go to express my anger/frustration over this job we do than here.
I am sure there have been numerous threads about just this topic before, but,  I have to vent and it's not like I can vent to my friends/family!
Sorry in advance, this is possibly going to be very self indulgent!

If I get one more TW. Moron. Idiot. Wanker (I do love we can let rip and swear on here!) Toss-pot. Shit for Brains - call me up or text me or email me again I am going to explode into a rage of the mentally sick and really start to whip some arse. The next man that decides it is fun to string me along or send pathetic messages to me is going to get it and get it good  >:(

I know I should rise above it all. I know that for personal safety reasons it is best to shut up and ignore these fools. You don't know if they will book you in the future and then give you some payback for your blunt words but really, what the hell do the sad people get out of it all?

You all know the score:
The bookings made but never carried out.
The phonecalls you get where they ask pathetic questions - you know they are not going to book you.
The text messages 'r u free hon' Then when you don't reply 'why u nt answer?' Then when you still do not reply 'yur loss hon'
The emails where they sound genuine enough but then they go ask for face photo's and the old classic 'I have read your site - tell me more about yourself to convince me to book you.'

When one or two come along at the same time, it's easy to ignore them.
When you have almost 2 weeks of this shit and only this shit. When you can not find a real, proper booking in amongst the idiots, you start to get a bit pissed off.

Ok, I have been ill. I was unable to work last week and I lost real, proper bookings because of that.
That made me mad to begin with but add to that the bloody idiots that have contacted me this week and I want to scream!

I know it will all pan out. When am back to feeling 100% better and over this bloody horrible cold/flu thing I will be better equipped to deal mentally with these men.

For the first time ever since I began doing this I stopped and thought yesterday why I am bothering? I hate it. I hate my phone, I hate the sort of men I have to deal with on a daily bloody basis.
I know feeling this way is down to feeling rotten physically and the TW's that are wiping out my last reserve of strength. But I felt it all the same.
And it was not so nice to think that way about something that, through all it's up's and down's I can honestly say I have largely enjoyed doing.

Thankfully, I have learned from the past to keep money back just in case I did ever get ill or woke up to 10 foot snow drifts that lasted for a fortnight and no work could be performed. It's not the not earning that has put me in this dark mood, it is the time wasters. I have even gone through sites to see if neg feedback had been left by somebody as the level of TW's has been extreme - there is nothing anywhere.

I am seriously jacked off today and possibly will feel this way until I am back to normal health wise and have some decent, regular clients come by again. 

Writing this rant has helped me. My shoulders have relaxed, I am not so hunched over the computer ready to fire off a blistering email to the latest TW 'You need to convince me more to see you love....'

I know you all get it when I say it. Nobody else would get it. TW's one at a time can be handled. But, in a pack they are terribly hard work and drain all our patience and positivity. If the law of averages is true, I am due some nice clients in a pack now? You would think? And here is hoping !
A weekend of relaxation ahead for me I think....

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #1 on: 16 October 2009, 03:40:32 pm »
Hey babe im sending you a massive hug!! These idiots are retarded and their behaviour totaly inexplicable and i agree that its really hard sometimes to not send back a caustic reply to these wankers, but like you say its better for our safety if we dont. This dude emailed me the other day asking about my fantasies and i realy had to stop myself replying "my fantasy is that you book me for 2 hours, leave after 15 mins and pay me double, oh yes that gets me hot baby!" Hope you feel better soon.  :)


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #2 on: 16 October 2009, 04:34:51 pm »
Let it all out baby. We all know how you feel. Sometimes you just feel like you're beaten down don't you?

You know what, there'll come a time when it won't bother you anymore. I can't tell you when, it'll just happen.
I had a day, which I fondly call Crap Tuesday. I had everything: cancellations, no-shows and stupid texters, everything bad we complain about. That was the worst escorting day I ever had. It helped blogging about it and screaming in SJ's ear. Although I did apologise to readers because it looked baaad. But it did help writing it down.
After that day things just clicked. I don't know any other way to describe it. A few weeks ago I had one of those buggars that knows I have to travel in to work but still failed to show. But I didn't get mad. I just got dressed again and left. Even when I got to Victoria Stn and my train was cancelled, I still didn't get mad. I improvised another way home and didn't get in much later the cancelled train. I thought of the positives, it got me out of the house and it was a nice day. It's taken me years to finally get to that stage, but I'm a festerer, I hold grudges. Hopefully you're not like me and you can let go quicker than me.

Keep all those timewasters numbers and there will come a time when one of them will call you and you can derive some pleasure in cutting them off. I do and it feels good.

Welsh Lass

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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #3 on: 17 October 2009, 10:56:34 am »
I do hold and carry grudges for ever that's the thing. I have their numbers and email addresses and I will enjoy payback as and when it comes.
This all came on the back of the client that went ape with me because I would not meet up for a coffee. Like we were in love or something!
It's been generally a terrible couple of weeks but, you know, I still switch on my phone and will be okay.
Thanks both.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #4 on: 17 October 2009, 04:03:40 pm »
There is nothing worse - the weeks where you get all set to work and get nothing but complete twats; stupid text messages, txtspk emails and worst of all, the 'I'm looking at your website - where are you?' etc etc. I've had a right time with it this last couple of weeks thanks to George McCoy, who mentioned me in a magazine article he wrote - I agreed to being mentioned in the editorial, but like an idiot, didn't know my phone number would be published (was never asked). The pond life who have been ringing me you wouldn't believe - I'm still getting abusive texts from one just because I took exception to his suggestions to meet him in his car for a tenner, or whatever.

Abby, you are a tough cookie and I know you can rise above it. Just remember you are so much better than them! Y0u, of all the ladies I know are so strong, resourceful, adaptable and intelligent - I'm proud to even know you! It's been said before but we all have days and weeks like it - it grinds us down and makes us question ourselves. I know it isn't always easy, but a couple of good bookings and it will all seem far away!  :).


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #5 on: 18 October 2009, 04:13:50 am »
Keep all those timewasters numbers and there will come a time when one of them will call you and you can derive some pleasure in cutting them off. I do and it feels good.

It really does...because they think they are going to 'get me' again and Im just like, silly fool I know who you are. Sometimes I can even recognize their tone of voice and how they ask questions. They will call every escort with the exact same fantasy/lines.   :D

Abby, darling I have to say it like this...For one there could be several reasons for TW. Some cities tend to have more than others. When I was in Boston, MA they had ALOT. Miami on the other hand, I didnt have nearly as many. If its misunderstood, people will joke around with it like that.

Now, what you can do, Abby is to not take these guys too seriously. Literally. and be blunt with them. If you think they are wanking off, say "you're not trying to have phone sex with me are you?" and then laugh at bit. This week I got 3 hagglers...a bit strange. But instead of write them off as timewasters I told them "look, you wouldn't want me giving you less time Im sure, so why dont we go ahead with the full amount". I even told one guy that yes I would go for the lower rate, and then cancelled saying I wasnt comfortable with it. Then he offered to give more.

Push them a bit. Last week I told a guy who I thought might be a timewaster because he was acting unsure about an specific time, who wanted to book before going to work that "Im not a morning person, are you SURE you are going to meet me tomorrow?" he said yes and showed up, turned out well. Dont hesistate to let them know you arent up for no-shows and games, but do it in a way where you arent necessarily saying those exact words to them.

Once you do that, you'll get the upper hand and it wont stress you out as much. I know...some days just drive you nuts and thats natural. But you can have a bit of fun with it too though

Welsh Lass

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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #6 on: 18 October 2009, 08:55:03 am »
Ahhh, see, now I knew I could post up here and get some positivity back. Thank you all for that, it was just what I needed.    :)

Yesterday afternoon and evening I started to feel much better, as in physically better. My temp must have dropped back to nearing normal as I could think constructively again and words were coming out as proper sentences not just the 'blah, blah, blah, what am I saying exactly? I don't know, just keep talking blah, blah, blah....'
You know that film Overboard? Where Goldie Hawn sits in the chair totally wiped out and just goes 'bah bah bah bah....' over and over? Yeah, kind of how I have been feeling the last couple of weeks. The lights were on but nobody was home sort of thing. Nobody but a cold virus home anyhow!   :P

I can actually taste coffee again this morning and boy have I been having it strong the last few days - no taste at all meant I was heaping the coffee into mug. I did it this morning and got a shock! Had to remake another one, weaker (that'll be extra strong to others but I do have a coffee fetish!)

I can hear properly today, nothing like muffled hearing to p*ss you off after a while. I can feel that it is actually cold in my house so heating has to go on, a definite sign my temperature is coming down. I have been walking about in next to nothing while all around me froze for the last 4 days, no heating as I thought they were barking mad, it was not cold!! - I was cooking hot, really hot. It's blinking chilly this morning!

As for the TW's. I am better equipped to deal with it now. I don't know why I made all that fuss. They are just pond life. I pity them really, what sad lives they lead. It's their time and effort and cash they waste by attempting to waste mine.
I will be firmer from now on. I will be nice on initial contact then forget it. Please make a booking Sir.... Conversation, OVER. Which is what I did before without the need to moan about it. I can only blame such self pity on being ill.

Plus, Afro Man did not half cheer me up on X factor last night. He was brilliant!
I also think it's shocking that the 'singers' of today have no idea who Etta James is! That's almost a crime really... There should be legislation against not knowing the most brilliant singers of our time, jail - we should place people in it to be rehabilitated into the best Diva's of our time. Forget Leona Lewis, she has a long way to go. Think Etta James! Lovely!

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #7 on: 20 October 2009, 02:12:07 am »
Glad to hear you are feeling better and are up to toughing out the wa*kers again.

I keep all the TW too and have started to add the date they called, mainly to find a way of saving them.
For some reason I didn't look properly at my phone and answered one, after a couple of seconds of his spiel I recognised him and said: Sorry to interrupt Dave honey, but when you called me two weeks ago you called yourself Steve.
Strangely enough he hung up, haha.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"

Welsh Lass

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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #8 on: 20 October 2009, 07:16:15 am »
Yep Cassie, raring to go again and found my balls as well!  ;D
Bring it on and let me whip you down I say.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #9 on: 21 October 2009, 12:35:06 am »
Yep Cassie, raring to go again and found my balls as well!  ;D
Bring it on and let me whip you down I say.

Yeehaw, Thwack!  ;D
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #10 on: 21 October 2009, 06:48:25 am »
As for the TW's. I am better equipped to deal with it now. I don't know why I made all that fuss.

Dont feel bad...It was perfectly justified. Besides there are probably other ladies and guys who feel the exact same way, and to hear you express yours makes it not feel so alone.

Eventually they will go away, and your phone will be a bit more quite with the exception of actual calls, but it takes time. Continue to store and ignore (hey that rhymes).


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #11 on: 21 October 2009, 08:05:54 am »

Dont feel bad...It was perfectly justified. Besides there are probably other ladies and guys who feel the exact same way, and to hear you express yours makes it not feel so alone.

Eventually they will go away, and your phone will be a bit more quite with the exception of actual calls, but it takes time. Continue to store and ignore (hey that rhymes).

Timewasters will never go away. They're part and parcel of this job. The problem with people like that is that they think they're the first to come out with the crap they do. They'll always be around.

On Monday I got "I got your number from a friend who found your site for me. Can I have some details please." A slight variation on "my mate gave me your number" as they think they're inventing new ways to waste your time. But as long as we're in this business, we'll get all variations of timewasters.

But I agree with Joey. Don't feel you had to apologise for ranting on here. That's what this place is for. Nobody understands better than we do.

Welsh Lass

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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #12 on: 21 October 2009, 10:49:13 am »
Your all very kind.

I agree with Brandy - as long as sex sells, there will be time wasters. The trick is getting into the correct mentality to deal with them. I followed a trick Amy used yesterday - the nicely named 'chatman' on my phone (I am fast running out of tool, idiot, avoid, ignore....) The phone rang for the staggering 7th time in 3 hours from this guy alone so I picked up the call and left my phone on the couch arm while I popped to the loo! I believe Amy went to make a cup of tea when she did this!
As I left the room, I could hear very faintly 'Hello...? Helllloooo?' It made me grin.
Sometimes you have to get the same silly mentality they have to feel better about it all ;)

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #13 on: 21 October 2009, 05:35:31 pm »
Your all very kind.

I agree with Brandy - as long as sex sells, there will be time wasters. The trick is getting into the correct mentality to deal with them. I followed a trick Amy used yesterday - the nicely named 'chatman' on my phone (I am fast running out of tool, idiot, avoid, ignore....) The phone rang for the staggering 7th time in 3 hours from this guy alone so I picked up the call and left my phone on the couch arm while I popped to the loo! I believe Amy went to make a cup of tea when she did this!
As I left the room, I could hear very faintly 'Hello...? Helllloooo?' It made me grin.
Sometimes you have to get the same silly mentality they have to feel better about it all ;)

I do the same thing when the need grabs me. I had a guy who persistently called me from a withheld number. Just wouldn't stop. I finally answered and left it on the bed whilst I was chatting on my personal phone to SJ, talking about something we were both watching on the telly. He deserved to have every penny wasted and he was on the phone for a while, doing what only the Lord knows. He still wouldn't get off, so I finally screamed down the phone at him, literally an earpiercing scream. He hasn't called back since.

Anika Mae

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Re: A profession rant, I need one!
« Reply #14 on: 21 October 2009, 08:25:05 pm »
I tried that (answering and leaving the phone on the table, not screaming), but my guy was too smart for that. He'd just hang up after a minute and call again. That's when I made my wankers' playlist of unsexy songs, but I haven't had anyone try it again since.