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Author Topic: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?  (Read 4556 times)


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When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« on: 02 December 2022, 02:07:54 pm »
Ok so back 2018 my horrible ex dropped my girls off at mine and I was out but my zipped up work bag was in my downstairs bathroom. He snooped and found lingerie and a few toys and then said he accidentally found me on AW after he thought I was a Escort due to finding bag, But I then realised that he probably was told about AW and found my ad and recognised the body he had been with fir 14 years.

My eldest is 19 and she suffered with terrible mental health problems and she broke down and said she felt so bad because she had been harboring bad feelings and thoughts about me thinking I was a Escort and said she found fetish clothes once in my bedroom. Anyway I felt quite sick at this moment and got defensive and said no and that's not the case but I also told her that we have boundaries and that I had raised her to not be judgment and that her choices sexually would be her private matter and all I would ask is that she comes to me if she felt unsafe or anything but I wouldn't sneak or intrude.

But now I'm torn, I know my ex must of said something when she was younger and I'm sure one day he might tell my girls. The reason my kids have everything they need is because I Escort and my ex husband pays nothing and stopped paying child maintenance when he found out I Escorted plus a year of abuse and harrashment,  Blackmail for years afterwards.

I'm torn because I feel the truth always comes out in the end and as a feminist and a big believer inive and let live and being raised in a sexually open family that what I do is not shameful but I'm scared of the judgment or rejection I will get one day from my children but also I raised them to see the person and that persons good nature and action over their lifestyle, Sexual orientation and we ate a very close family.

For sex is sex and I've been a single mum for 9 years, Never had a man in my home or around my girls or have I ever had sex in mu bedroom with my girls home since my ex husband left because I always wanted them to feel my main priority and safe. Outside of escorting the last 4 years I have inly had sex twice in my non escorting life, I have friends who sleep about but I know that when you get paid in cash( Not drinks and dinner lol) It's really frowned on.

But my question is or for some advice, Can we really let our loved ones or family know we get paid for sex.

Any advice or experience on what I should do, Do I eventually come clean because I would just want to die or run away if my children hated me or disgusted with what I do.

I've also started to drink more due to stress from my daughter mentally suffering and self harming and some guilt but I'm going to go AA next week and pay for her private therapy but she wants to talk about her bad thoughts about her mum being a Escort.

Any mums or dad's out there who's kids found out?

Thanks guy's, E x


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #1 on: 02 December 2022, 02:10:20 pm »
To add its in my natural to be honest but I'm terrified of my kids rejecting me, Family is everything to me.

English Green

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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #2 on: 02 December 2022, 02:46:10 pm »
Personally for me i would never want kids/ family knowing ever it would mess them up with out a doubt for me personally as i know my family.

On here women will give you different opinions but bare in mind they are not you and do not have your kids or your relationship or upbringing.

Some women see nothing wrong with seeing punters while kids in next room so you get my point. I think only you can decide what is best for your kids nobody on here can tell you as there situation with there kids knowing will not be your kids.


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #3 on: 02 December 2022, 03:05:31 pm »
You are clearly a good mum and have put your children first, don't say you would want to die or run away x you are doing what ever you can so your children do not go without. You don't do it around them and as you have said you don't bring guys home in your private life and so on: as for your eldest I'm sorry but she is now an adult. I don't escort anymore but I do know that if I had have been outed to my family and friends the one's who loved me would probably have been a bit dissapointed in my choices but it would have blown over (accept my father who would have probably have had me killed!). The one's who were not true friends or family would have judged me but hey who cares. GL x.


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #4 on: 02 December 2022, 05:44:05 pm »
Thanks Green :)

Think I'm looking fir anyone who's been in a similar situation where a loved one ir family members found out orvthey have had tell.

I know being a escort is not something anyone would really tell anybody unless they had to.


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #5 on: 02 December 2022, 06:41:30 pm »
My story is probably a little different but I will share.

After divorcing and then escaping a 3 Yr abusive relationship with an alcoholic I found myself on my own with my 14yo son and 16yo daughter.  Being on my own I decided to try dating, that was a fail but led to swinging which I liked more, that led to the BDSM world and all of that led to escorting.

All the way through this I kept an open dialogue with my kids, I brought them up to be open and understanding so would discuss life choices,  our financial situation,  questions about sex, the swinging and BDSM world etc my son is a dab hand at lacing a full bone corset

So when I hit a financial situation that meant it was food or rent I sat down with my kids who were then 21 and 23 and said I somehow needed to earn more money,  my 21yo was at home my 23yo was living with her bf, so we discussed the options, I was already in a full time job which I loved so it needed to be flexible and fit round my free time.

I came up with 2 option (they knew I was a swinger btw) phone sex or escorting,  now I'm absolutely useless at phone sex I just laugh or go blank so that wasn't an option, escorting it was, we talked about it between us  obviously not the gory details but the pricing and how it would impact home life for my son etc and they both said go for it mum. So they have always known as they were part of the decision making process and they've absolutely fine with it, their thought are similar to mine, it's better they know what I do as it gives them the power and takes it away from those who would use the knowledge to try and hurt them.

My sisters know as do many of my closest friends,  some of my work colleagues and my ex husband,  my daughter and son have always told their partners as their attitude is that if they don't like it or have a bad attitude towards it then they are not the person for them..

I find that knowledge is power and with an open and honest conversation its possible to go forward and for your kids to understand and accept what you do, most fear comes from a lack of understanding and poor media coverage.


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #6 on: 08 December 2022, 09:16:52 pm »
I’m a single parent with no family support but I do have friends I am very close to. I had to tell
My child’s father. I did this before I decided to do it gauge his reaction. He wasn’t bothered- be met me as an escort years ago.
My very close friend guessed after several months. They were fine with it. But they also knew me when I escorted previously.
I don’t speak to my family so I wouldn’t care if they knew.

With your daughter, it may be a case of she’s worrying about what she can’t understand. I suggest you sit her down, order a takeaway, and be open. Explain you had no option at the time
When you first started but after seeing the lifestyle it has been able to offer her (your child), you are happy with your choice. Offer her a chance to ask questions and be open. I’d also mention the offering of counciling .
You can’t predict how she will react. If she rejects you then, you have to give her space.

I didn’t grow up in a sexually free (if that’s the word) household. It was quite restrictive but I’ve always been very much of the opinion of “if you don’t hurt anyone, you do you.” But not everyone is like that. It may take your daughter some time. It probably hasn’t helped that your ex seems to
Have stirred things.


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #7 on: 09 December 2022, 11:30:18 am »
I told my son in the pandemic when he was 15 as it was looking weird I kept complaining I could not work as school was shut.

He took it ok but there is only us and he only sees his dad's family 3 times a year.

He has made a fuss about camming of late for reasons unknown lol.  Thinks I may get found out by his friends but I do wear a wig and pretend to him I have blocked our neighbourhood.  Which I haven't.  I only just started camming recently. My son is now nearly 18.

It may not be such a problem it depends how close you are to your children I think MissElvira.
« Last Edit: 09 December 2022, 11:48:22 am by Lushblossom »


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Re: When a loved one thinks you are a Escort, Anybody had this?
« Reply #8 on: 22 December 2022, 06:54:01 pm »
All my family knew even before I was outed in a news article, so I told my child about 4 years ago.

Maybe it's due to them being on the Spectrum but it has never been an issue (I was more honest about things as age allowed me to be), and now we can have conversations about what they might think if they had a sex worker as a partner- they wouldn't care as long as their partner was safe- or about current political stances in our country. I think as it was said above, it depends on the how close you are, but also the child.