Wow, I stand corrected, half hour asshats sometimes book hours too
Sorry you had to deal with that, I doubt I would have been so polite and would have definitely taken much joy at stopping as soon as that hour was up and let him sulk with his ridiculous half mast as he is walking out. I hate pouty tossers.
Yes, that's what I engineered in the end

I knew that my
pre-set alarm would go offphone would ring at the end of those 4 minutes, so I faffed about with condoms/searching high and low for my fresh lube/"hmm, did I leave it in the bathroom earlier?" etc, etc..
He got the quickest of rides before I heaved away from him to 'answer my phone', thus terminating the booking and leaving him 'high and dry' (good - greedy bastard)
As someone said earlier, these types are thankfully rare and the other side of the coin to the majority who are happy to book an hour, even though they know they don't need or want all that time really

*I have a cunning plan to claim I only have 2 condoms with me if I get this type again
