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Author Topic: 2 cums in 30 mins???  (Read 8885 times)


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #30 on: 26 August 2020, 10:16:23 pm »
I inwardly roll my eyes cos I know most needs an hour's break and after they've done the first one they're knackered. They can though if they can do it, although it's usually hard work. That's why I don't line doing hour bookings because the second one requires effort on my part and I'm lazy.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #31 on: 26 August 2020, 10:26:21 pm »
I inwardly roll my eyes cos I know most needs an hour's break and after they've done the first one they're knackered. They can though if they can do it, although it's usually hard work. That's why I don't line doing hour bookings because the second one requires effort on my part and I'm lazy.
I don’t mind 2 cums with oral but I’m just not into penetrative sex and this is even in my real life! I think sex work has put me off sex for life, there is just nothing good about a penis going in and out of you UNLESS I am into the guy deeply then sex for the sake of it, is just shit!


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #32 on: 30 August 2020, 09:36:21 pm »
Yes that's not a problem and I don't put limits on it. It's when that is the first question they ask when making a booking, sends up a little red flag, making it clear that that is their expectation.

Usually younger/newbies who think they have the whole 30 mins to cum twice and the showering, dressing etc will be in our time.

You're right it is always a red flag. In my experience every guy asking this is a time waster for some reason.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #33 on: 09 September 2020, 10:11:49 am »
Everytime I get asked this they cum in 10 minutes then leave. Twice is the fantasy, they don't hold back because they think they want to get the 1st out the way. Then realise they are done and leave sharpish, maybe a little embarrassed realising their appetite is bigger than their reality!  Guaranteed EVERYTIME Easy money ;D

This, have had a few guys with the half hour massage, thing is they ask for one off the bat and then later in the massage, Unless they are on the edge they take time to pop and then the build up for the 2nd one.... takes them close to the 1/2 hour. Ive had quite a few time extensions with the obvious increase in fee through it.

if you come across with the one pop per half hour in the advertising i find that it kinda puts off the guys.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #34 on: 10 September 2020, 12:21:50 am »
I was asked about 2 cums in a 15min booking!!! How's that for a piss take!?! I said it doesn't matter if you come in the first 2 mins, or it takes you 12 mins, I do not allow 2 comes in a 15 min. FFS.  :FF :FF :FF


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #35 on: 14 September 2020, 08:45:19 pm »
Barbiegirl i feel like that too exactly what you wrote. I advertise myself as more a relaxed time with massage etc so going twice in 30 mins is not how i want to work. I charge an hour for this type of service and even that can make your wrist go numb on the 2nd pop if they reach there.

Exactly! It’s not that I’m being lazy, because I can work fucking hard! It’s that I advertise as a relaxed GFE, I’m friendly, not rushed and I will do plenty of foreplay and kissing. It’s more enjoyable for both. I don’t understand how you have a nice gfe in 30 mins going twice.

I had a booking the other day and he wanted to twice in 30 mins. He came in about 15 mins then wanted to go again, so I start oral but asks me to go straight into sex. 15 minutes of rough doggy with a floppy dick. Did he cum? Nope. I think that leaves the booking on a negative note as well. If this client booked 1 hour, he could have had time to rest for 5/10 minutes and let me give a proper blowjob to get him going again as he would have had about 30 minutes to go again. But he didn’t book 1 hour, because he was being a bit cheap  ::)
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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #36 on: 18 November 2020, 10:47:15 am »
I don't understand limits on how many times by escorts, seems lile a cheeky money making scheme.
That said if a guy can cum twice in half an hour then good for them. But more than once I've had a client claim that they can, only for them to cum once and then the remaining twenty minutes is spent on me working them either with oral or my hand.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #37 on: 18 November 2020, 04:53:38 pm »
I have only had this with my very first punter, looking back, I didn't understand why he emphasised it so hard, tbh he did come twice, now with more experience I understand that a bit more now but no one has asked me since.  But I did recently have an experience that was like that, rushed, like he wanted to have as many orgasms as possible one after the other and do it all fucking.  Zero foreplay, warm up or pleasure, it was disgusting.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #38 on: 18 November 2020, 05:32:20 pm »
I honestly don't mind, however I will concede that it can ruin what is potentially a great booking - they finish the first time and then they can't manage the second time, I'm trying so hard for the remaining 20 minutes and end up going 5 mins over because I don't like to finish the booking like that, and they leave feeling disappointed and it puts a downer on an otherwise great booking. :FF
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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #39 on: 18 November 2020, 05:54:11 pm »
When a punter asks me if he can do the deed more than once I say yes of course because not many can. After the first one is over they are done in. I do have a guy that's been to see me twice and he's done it 3 times in half an hour. I don't mind going overtime by 5 mins or so if I like them, but I agree, the ones who really wanna get that second one in are hard work. I do serious wrist action until my hand aches then tell them to do it themselves and I'll watch and chat dirty.  😄

English Green

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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #40 on: 18 November 2020, 06:29:10 pm »
I don't understand limits on how many times by escorts, seems lile a cheeky money making scheme.
That said if a guy can cum twice in half an hour then good for them. But more than once I've had a client claim that they can, only for them to cum once and then the remaining twenty minutes is spent on me working them either with oral or my hand.

I don't think it's a cheeky money making scheme at all. It all depends how you advertise/market yourself. If you are promoting yourself in your written profile as all action/all services as Nymph that cannot get enough etc then i could see why a few might think they get all bang action for 30 mins. I advertise myself more on massage and sex as a relaxing time. Banging twice in a rushed period can like someone else said ruin the remainder of time as floppy knob/ hands nearly breaking off and more sweat everywhere is just not pleasant for me but each to there own of course.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #41 on: 18 November 2020, 07:09:42 pm »
floppy knob/hands nearly breaking off and more sweat everywhere is just not pleasant

It certainly isn't but you can have all of that in any booking whether they eventually come once, twice, or not at all :).

Personally at £100 for 30 minutes I expect to graft for it, plus I honestly would have no idea how to tell a punter he has to leave if he comes within two minutes of walking through the door?

English Green

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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #42 on: 18 November 2020, 08:11:23 pm »
It certainly isn't but you can have all of that in any booking whether they eventually come once, twice, or not at all :).

Personally at £100 for 30 minutes I expect to graft for it, plus I honestly would have no idea how to tell a punter he has to leave if he comes within two minutes of walking through the door?

You see i usually ask if they cum quick if they are like that i delay it for them and do not rush them to get them out quick but i usually do a 10 min massage to start off with so not many leave quick with me most get there full time. But even if they did cum quicker then expected i am happy to massage them to finish time but i just do not want to offer a twice cum unless there booking longer i make it clear though.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #43 on: 24 November 2020, 07:14:16 am »
A quickie guy wanted to know if he could cum twice in 15 mins.  I said I can do £60 for 20 mins.

Bit cheeky though eh.  As it is swallow plus anal.


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Re: 2 cums in 30 mins???
« Reply #44 on: 26 November 2020, 05:11:17 pm »
I don't specify 'how many times' allowed during a booking because I think that comes off as too restrictive, but when speaking to them I mention I prefer 'quality over quantity'. With the understanding that we have sufficient breaks between, so for 2cums in 30 minutes *it's a no from me, Simon Cowell voice*
If they are the sort of client that wants back-to-back constant stimulation then I suggest that they're better off buying a sex doll or a fleshlight with their money.  ;D I say this because I once had a client cum, cum, cum, over and over and I found the whole thing repulsive and off-putting personally.