This is what sucks about America. We as escorts here, the majority of us anyway...just dont have the luxury of turning down bookings especially if they offer more. I even did some research on both men and women ads, and seen lots of 'available on a moments notice!" lines. Some people say, "prefer atleast 2 hours notice" but out of experience that doesnt really make much of a difference. I've gotten to the point where if I can make it, I give an arbitrary time and if I show up a few miniutes late, so be it!
That's the point though Joey. My site doesn't say that I'm available at a moment's notice. Otherwise I'd understand the insistence. But I don't, so why should it not be something a client should respect. If I say I need notice, I need notice. I didn't put that on my site because I'd run out of things to say.
I honestly wasn't in the mood. I'd just come back from Manchester on a successful tour, I was still tired from the travelling, plus the night before I left somebody had a party above me in the hotel which didn't end until around 4am. Plus I had a migraine. So in the best of moods I wasn't.
The money's always handy. School uniforms are to be bought right about now and my old jalopy just had its MOT, which, fortunately, wasn't as bad as I thought. But at the end of the day money isn't everything.
I wouldnt want to encourage or entice any client to call me on a moments notice, but when it does I dont mind it so much. And here, 7:50 pm is when the party is just beginning! We work atleast until 11 on weeknights and til wee hours on weekends!
The difference between you and me is that I'm twice your age, so prefer the comforts of my home rather than roaming the streets in the wee early hours trying to make my way home. I also have a family, which you don't. So I can understand that you can do things at the drop of a hat. I can't, nor do I want to.
I dont think this guy was wrong for asking. He offered to pay more, cause he knew you'd be going out of your way to see him, or you him. And if he offered to come to a hotel nearby thats even better. But as far as the boundaries thing, if someone offered more money I'd go for it. I took a 2 am call that was 50 miles away one night, and ended up getting $80 of tip and my regular rate just to give and get what must have been a half an hour of oral!
No, you're right. He wasn't wrong to ask. Imo he was wrong to keep persisting. And I understand that he offered more to make up for the inconvenience. But I did become a little insulted when he asked me if I wanted more money, as if
that was really the reason I was holding out.
If I was open to negotiations, I would've said "I'm open to negotiations." But why when somebody tells you no, they think you mean maybe.
Half the delight of these men I think is the fact that they have "talked you into" something you have said you don't do, and then they get cocky and think they are something special because you agreed. Then they annoy you three times as much as normal, with the added risk of being chased out with a stiletto.
I reckon you've got something there. Half the buzz is a guy getting you to do something you don't normally do.