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Author Topic: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."  (Read 8728 times)


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"I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« on: 17 August 2009, 08:51:20 pm »
I've just had a phone call, then back and forth texts from a gentleman trying to get me to come and see him tonight. He called about half an hour ago and he's been texting since, trying to entice me out of my comfy bed. If anybody knows me knows that's an impossible task. This guy has offered me ?50 over my 2hr price, even offered to come to a hotel nearer to me. I admire his persistence and told him so, but I also told him that I don't meet anybody at this kind of short notice at this time of night. It says so on my site, which he says he's reading at the moment. If I stated I took short-notice bookings, I'd understand.

So basically, sod my boundaries and I'll pay you over the odds because I'm really horny right now. Whilst I'm a little flattered at his persistence I'm also a little annoyed at somebody who can't seem to take no for an answer.

Has anybody ever put aside their boundaries and given in on the promise of more money, or simply because you could've done with it? If so, how did it go?


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #1 on: 17 August 2009, 09:46:52 pm »
This is what sucks about America. We as escorts here, the majority of us anyway...just dont have the luxury of turning down bookings especially if they offer more. I even did some research on both men and women ads, and seen lots of 'available on a moments notice!" lines. Some people say, "prefer atleast 2 hours notice" but out of experience that doesnt really make much of a difference. I've gotten to the point where if I can make it, I give an arbitrary time and if I show up a few miniutes late, so be it!

I wouldnt want to encourage or entice any client to call me on a moments notice, but when it does I dont mind it so much. And here, 7:50 pm is when the party is just beginning! We work atleast until 11 on weeknights and til wee hours on weekends!

I dont think this guy was wrong for asking. He offered to pay more, cause he knew you'd be going out of your way to see him, or you him. And if he offered to come to a hotel nearby thats even better. But as far as the boundaries thing, if someone offered more money I'd go for it. I took a 2 am call that was 50 miles away one night, and ended up getting $80 of tip and my regular rate just to give and get what must have been a half an hour of oral!

I really miss those days. Seems like the trend at the moment is more bookings but for less pay. The $300 an hour ones just dont seem to happen. but then again there is always the 2 hours  :P


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #2 on: 17 August 2009, 09:54:53 pm »
but I do have to say the other night I took a booking which was kinda far away, and foolishly I ended up not charging my premium rate for the distance. Made me feel used up afterwards  :-[ I need to come up with a premium for these things like I used to.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #3 on: 17 August 2009, 10:03:38 pm »
Ah tell him to go and have a wank- no one comes between a tired escort and bed, or else we'd be happy to get up at 6am and go and work stupid 65 hour weeks like every other racing rat!

I agreed to play a "mildly submissive" role for a bloke who offered to pay me double even though I am pretty vanilla. He was alright and it went fine, but he has asked to book since and I have made excuses- I was just so ARGH in my head being submissive and pandering to what he said when what he was saying was so, just, shit to be honest. Not me, that's why I don't do it. Wouldn't do it again.

Half the delight of these men I think is the fact that they have "talked you into" something you have said you don't do, and then they get cocky and think they are something special because you agreed. Then they annoy you three times as much as normal, with the added risk of being chased out with a stiletto.

Stay in bed I say! xx


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #4 on: 18 August 2009, 01:38:14 pm »
This is what sucks about America. We as escorts here, the majority of us anyway...just dont have the luxury of turning down bookings especially if they offer more. I even did some research on both men and women ads, and seen lots of 'available on a moments notice!" lines. Some people say, "prefer atleast 2 hours notice" but out of experience that doesnt really make much of a difference. I've gotten to the point where if I can make it, I give an arbitrary time and if I show up a few miniutes late, so be it!

That's the point though Joey. My site doesn't say that I'm available at a moment's notice. Otherwise I'd understand the insistence. But I don't, so why should it not be something a client should respect. If I say I need notice, I need notice. I didn't put that on my site because I'd run out of things to say.

I honestly wasn't in the mood. I'd just come back from Manchester on a successful tour, I was still tired from the travelling, plus the night before I left somebody had a party above me in the hotel which didn't end until around 4am. Plus I had a migraine. So in the best of moods I wasn't.

The money's always handy. School uniforms are to be bought right about now and my old jalopy just had its MOT, which, fortunately, wasn't as bad as I thought. But at the end of the day money isn't everything.

I wouldnt want to encourage or entice any client to call me on a moments notice, but when it does I dont mind it so much. And here, 7:50 pm is when the party is just beginning! We work atleast until 11 on weeknights and til wee hours on weekends!

The difference between you and me is that I'm twice your age, so prefer the comforts of my home rather than roaming the streets in the wee early hours trying to make my way home. I also have a family, which you don't. So I can understand that you can do things at the drop of a hat. I can't, nor do I want to.

I dont think this guy was wrong for asking. He offered to pay more, cause he knew you'd be going out of your way to see him, or you him. And if he offered to come to a hotel nearby thats even better. But as far as the boundaries thing, if someone offered more money I'd go for it. I took a 2 am call that was 50 miles away one night, and ended up getting $80 of tip and my regular rate just to give and get what must have been a half an hour of oral!

No, you're right. He wasn't wrong to ask. Imo he was wrong to keep persisting. And I understand that he offered more to make up for the inconvenience. But I did become a little insulted when he asked me if I wanted more money, as if that was really the reason I was holding out.
If I was open to negotiations, I would've said "I'm open to negotiations." But why when somebody tells you no, they think you mean maybe.

Half the delight of these men I think is the fact that they have "talked you into" something you have said you don't do, and then they get cocky and think they are something special because you agreed. Then they annoy you three times as much as normal, with the added risk of being chased out with a stiletto.

I reckon you've got something there. Half the buzz is a guy getting you to do something you don't normally do.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #5 on: 19 August 2009, 12:40:39 am »
Eeek was a little apprehensive of opening this thread ? had visions of Brando calling you and of you waking up with a horse?s head or getting little custom made designer concrete stilettos...   ;D

Well, I would be cheesed off if someone did not accept that I cannot come out at short, late notice and kept pushing me. 


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #6 on: 19 August 2009, 09:25:44 am »
The difference between you and me is that I'm twice your age, so prefer the comforts of my home rather than roaming the streets in the wee early hours trying to make my way home. I also have a family, which you don't. So I can understand that you can do things at the drop of a hat. I can't, nor do I want to.

That is true. I must keep that in mind. And you say roaming the streets, as in taking the train to your incall place? Now that, I can see why. I just hop in my car during bookings, but when I was in New England last month and used the train to get everywhere, late night calls would only happen if it was a cheap taxi ride away. I just didnt want to be walking all over town with lots of cash on me at night. Believe it or not though, I do get a certain 'rush' for last minute bookings. Getting dressed in a hurry, and driving fast makes me feel like I work an office job and less guilty of having such a free schedule  :D  I just dont like it if the client tries to rush me  >:(

No, you're right. He wasn't wrong to ask. Imo he was wrong to keep persisting. And I understand that he offered more to make up for the inconvenience. But I did become a little insulted when he asked me if I wanted more money, as if that was really the reason I was holding out.
If I was open to negotiations, I would've said "I'm open to negotiations." But why when somebody tells you no, they think you mean maybe.

Sometimes a client needs to be cursed out when its due. The other day someone called and ask, "do you ever do complimentry services?" I said, "I have an ad on a paid advertising site why the hell would I do it for free!"

In your case, I'd be like, "I just told you Im in for the night, what is it about that you cant understand? Dont you think thats a little inconsiderate of you?" 


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #7 on: 19 August 2009, 01:22:56 pm »
I've had this a couple of times. Once a guy who'd booked, didn't confirm or show 3 times rang me at short notice asking to see me that day. As it was I couldn't see him and also told him I wouldn't see him because he'd let me down so many times - all without apology or explanation. He then texted offering ?400 for 30 minutes. I found that actually very scary - imagine if I'd seen him I really couldn't see him arriving with that amount of money. Told him not to contact me again.

Another time had a call at 9pm after a full day and a 10am booking lined up the next morning. Wanted me to go out to the West Coast, which is a drive of best part of 2 hours. I was in my civvies so arrival time would have been after 11pm, by the time I'd got back even for a 1 hour booking it would be 3am and not enough sleeping time before having to get ready for my 10am. He then said he'd make it an overnight - impossible again since I'd have to be leaving at 6am to allow time to get back, so no sleep again. Then he offered me ?1000 and would pay for a taxi for me. Still no way - just felt wierd, and would impinge on my advance bookings not to mention the risk of travelling all that way for it to be a hoax.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #8 on: 19 August 2009, 02:52:14 pm »

That is true. I must keep that in mind. And you say roaming the streets, as in taking the train to your incall place? Now that, I can see why. I just hop in my car during bookings, but when I was in New England last month and used the train to get everywhere, late night calls would only happen if it was a cheap taxi ride away. I just didnt want to be walking all over town with lots of cash on me at night. Believe it or not though, I do get a certain 'rush' for last minute bookings. Getting dressed in a hurry, and driving fast makes me feel like I work an office job and less guilty of having such a free schedule  :D  I just dont like it if the client tries to rush me  >:(

No, it would've meant taking the train plus a tube (subway) to his location; he wanted me to come to him. The problem with customers when they're so horny is that it doesn't occur to them how you make your way there, or indeed how you get home. That's your business. In this situation this guy had called just after 8pm. Even if I had said yes straight away and went to get ready, I wouldn't have left till 9pm, wouldn't have gotten there until around after 10pm, and it being a two hour booking, I wouldn't have finished until after midnight. The last tube is around that time. I would've had a merry time trying to get home.

Even if I took him up on his offer of finding a hotel near to me, who knows how long it would've taken him to get to my neck of the woods, or if he would manage to get a room at such short notice. Again, that's the horn talking.

I try not to drive in Central London, it's not good for the blood pressure. When I drive to bookings, it's always outside the area.

Sometimes a client needs to be cursed out when its due. The other day someone called and ask, "do you ever do complimentry services?" I said, "I have an ad on a paid advertising site why the hell would I do it for free!"   

Pmsl...that's hilarious.  :D
I've never heard that line yet. An A* for creativity. Although I have heard the "can we meet for lunch first to see if we're compatible." Bloomin' cheek. 


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #9 on: 19 August 2009, 03:05:55 pm »
Although I have heard the "can we meet for lunch first to see if we're compatible." Bloomin' cheek. 

For some nonsensical reason, that line just makes me want to say, "You know, I'm actually quite busy with my work so why don't you go and meet yourself for lunch, and see how you get on? Do let me know." :P

(Ohh, I'm not really as funny as I sometimes think! Lol.)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #10 on: 19 August 2009, 03:52:52 pm »
HaHa! That is funny! When they say,"Id like to meet for a chat first." I usually say im busy(as in too busy to sit and chat to a total stranger who has his hand on my knee in a "friendly" manner.) Feel tempted to say if you want a chat then book me through Adultwork at premium rate!
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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #11 on: 19 August 2009, 06:32:00 pm »
Boundaries are there for a reason, my peace of mind, so I refuse to let a client take me out of my comfort zone. Now as to last minute bookings. If I am on tour, I do tend to answer the phone at 3am, because the whole point is to make as much money as I can to go home with. Now at home, I can't be asked, those that call after 8pm are subject to be told to call back tomorrow. I am usually in bed by nine in my leopard print jammies, and they would have to offer ALOT of money to get me to shift.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #12 on: 19 August 2009, 08:25:53 pm »
Boundaries are there for a reason, my peace of mind, so I refuse to let a client take me out of my comfort zone. Now as to last minute bookings. If I am on tour, I do tend to answer the phone at 3am, because the whole point is to make as much money as I can to go home with. Now at home, I can't be asked, those that call after 8pm are subject to be told to call back tomorrow. I am usually in bed by nine in my leopard print jammies, and they would have to offer ALOT of money to get me to shift.

Amen! The difference is, you're on tour. You're already in your hotel room and it doesn't take you long to get ready if you feel inclined on taking a late-night booking. I took a booking at 10pm in Manchester last week. No biggie, just jump in the shower and get your tart's gear on again.

But in this case you're at home for the night. You're in your leopard print jammies, I'm in my spongebob t-shirt.  I know it's not that late by say, Joey's standards, and I do take bookings at 8 and sometimes 9pm. But only if they're booked in advance. So I don't think I'm being unreasonable turning down a booking because a guy wants me to come and see him straight away at that time of night. I don't take responsibility for somebody who ignores the advice on my site. Especially somebody who thinks money talks.

It's also to do with the frame of mind. I'm not a whore 24hrs a day. I can't just click into "Brandy" mode, just because somebody wants it now. I know some can, not me.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #13 on: 20 August 2009, 03:34:52 am »
Spongebob T-Shirt? Ha Ha! Im wearing a Squidward one, his sidekick. (The slogan on it says, "Life is so lame.") Perhaps I should go to late night appointments wearing that lol.
You are quite right, if im up at my flat anyway working on other stuff because I need to use things on my other computer, then I would probably take the job. If not then I honestly wouldnt be bothered going over there and getting ready.
I sometimes consider late bookings especially if I get unexpected expenses ie washing machine packs up/vet bills to pay. But the golden rule I read on this website is people offering over the odds and boundry pushers are not worth our time. You did the right thing as you can switch off your phone and he can text "Do you like big cocks?" to his hearts content!
find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.


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Re: "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."
« Reply #14 on: 20 August 2009, 08:30:18 am »
Especially somebody who thinks money talks.

come to think of it, that is pretty disrespectful. Especially when $80 to them is just play money. Maybe I just lack the wisdom of older providers to see some of the games they play  ???

It's also to do with the frame of mind. I'm not a whore 24hrs a day. I can't just click into "Brandy" mode, just because somebody wants it now. I know some can, not me.

Weeeeeeellll, now I can say thats 1 thing men have an advantage (whereas I thought by us having a penis, and sex being mostly mental that its not always easy to 'rise to the occasion' during stressful or off-guard moments!). But thankfully we have certain 'medications' on the market that can help us 'spring' to action even in the least of moments. And having a drink or 2 can switch me into any mode I have to be in. Chardonnay, Merlot, cabernet sauvignon, shiraz! Hello!   :D