Hey I'm looking to get a credit card to build some good credit up for when I get a mortgage. I'm looking at a tesco credit card. It asks employment, I'm only self employed, it then asks for industry. It gives the option of adult industry, obviously I don't want to lie, but I'm also worried about this information flagging up elsewhere. There isn't really any other option I can choose, but I'm also unsure if getting this now could come back to bite me on the bum. I'm not sure if I'm being paranoid, but I'm thinking about banks finding out and shutting down my accounts because I've heard that escorts have had bank accounts shut before or online aex workers banks closed, or if I'm holidaying to another country and it flags up and I get stopped.
If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. I'm just really worried and unsure what to do and couldn't find any advice online,