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Author Topic: Bank transfer and cash  (Read 2628 times)


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Bank transfer and cash
« on: 19 December 2023, 01:21:13 pm »
Hello to all
I had this guy asking on the phone  if he could pay by bank transfer which i don t accept,writing on my profile too. Then he said to me i pay you cash then. I say no was suspicious.

I had  this other one who came at meeting point and said he could not get cash. Probably thinking he made the effort for coming, i will shag him for free. Told him no ,don t bother

Are you taking the one who propose you bank transfer then tell you they will finally bring you cash? What do you do? 
Many thanks for your replies


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #1 on: 19 December 2023, 04:23:17 pm »
Asking for bank transfer in 2023 post Covid with the bank and govt pushing less cash transaction isn't suspicious in itself. I take bank transfer, since I require a deposit and don't accept vouchers.

And nothing is suspicious in someone offering cash after informing them you don't accept transfer lol. What else do you want them to offer? haha

The important thing is ensure if you're accepting it, you check your account on your phone that the payment is received, NOT their phone. I would say is even best if you have an account with one of the App banks as opposed to the high street ones, as they all have transaction notifications and are instant. There's literally no waiting for transfer to reach you, is instant.

A tip I would add to mitigate any possible "charge back" is to confirm rate and service in writing over text, but without stating anything explicit (X rated) regarding service. For example, say after you've confirmed you're booking them on the phone, if that how you work, follow it up with a text saying something like, Hi John, your appointment is at 2pm and your fee is £4. Here's my bank details for payment, and whatever else is important. Also, maybe after their appointment, send a thank you for your patronage and see you next time message.

If anything happens you have that to show bank that the payment was intentional.

I hope this is helpful and not compounded your fear :)


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #2 on: 19 December 2023, 07:43:06 pm »
When I accept a booking from a new client I confirm deposit received, balance to pay cash on arrival.

If they want to pay the remainder by bank transfer this must be received no later than 2 hours prior to the booking start time. I don't want to be fiddling with bank apps when I'm face to face.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #3 on: 19 December 2023, 09:24:13 pm »
The OP doesn't accept bank transfers and has made this clear; I don't accept them either.

I'd file this under 'didn't read my site', so it would be a no from me unless everything else about their enquiry was perfect. If they don't want to pay with cash they're free to book somebody else, and I'd view it as another form of boundary pushing for something I don't offer.

In the instance above I'd give them a chance, but I'd have a standby in case they turned up without cash. I suspect the OP (like me) can do without the stress of wondering of they're going to try it on and I think that's completely understandable.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #4 on: 19 December 2023, 10:16:31 pm »
New client wise, as long as the deposit goes in, I'm fine with bank transfers myself.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #5 on: 19 December 2023, 10:32:41 pm »
Hello to all
I had this guy asking on the phone  if he could pay by bank transfer which i don t accept,writing on my profile too

I'll just put this here, since it's somehow getting lost with the rest of the OP's post :)


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #6 on: 19 December 2023, 11:42:23 pm »
Oh sorry, that was my fault talking about accepting transfer. I think I answered the question in the 2nd paragraph - is nothing suspicious in itself, since most don't read the Ad/comprehend it.

I agree with Amy, and I would additionally think is suspicious if someone insisted on bank transfer after telling them you don't offer it.

I have had the opposite, where they insisted on paying cash when I asked for bank transfer lol.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #7 on: 20 December 2023, 04:49:25 am »
I have learned to add the word 'only' to a lot of things I say, based on 9 out of 10 asking for other methods be it payment, or things like cam software etc (I know the OP is only asking about payment, but it's another example). If it's a method I don't accept I don't accept, and to prevent this I include the method in whatever acknowledgement I provide when accepting the booking.  All these things are stated on my website of course. ::)

« Last Edit: 20 December 2023, 04:56:15 am by Mirror »


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #8 on: 20 December 2023, 11:10:37 am »
With bank transfers on the odd occasions I have accepted them from a regular client  I get the client to put the first 4 numbers of there mobile as a reference rather than writing “ sex with xxxx 😂😂”

But I rarely take bank transfers
And when anyone enquires about a booking i put in the  text it’s cash only no bank transfers
So I don’t ever get anyone turning up expecting me to slide a credit card in between my legs 

I might lose the odd booking for someone who wants to pay by bank transfer but I don’t care


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #9 on: 20 December 2023, 11:40:30 am »
I had a few enquiries about bank transfer but I don't accept them either.   I had a guy call me a few mins oast his booking time last week saying cash machines no cash will I do a bank transfer.  I just hung up and binned him off. 

Have also had idiots trying to pay using their phone instead of a physical card for my card reader.  They get shown the door also.

If I state very clearly on my adverts the payment methods I accept I instantly see them as boundary pushers and possibly trying to reverse the payment.   Kudos to the ladies who trust randoms with their bank details but I don't trust any client as far as I could pick them up and throw them lol.

Stand your ground. Dont feel bad about having rules and sticking to them.  They push 1 boundary they'll think others are possibly too.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #10 on: 20 December 2023, 12:42:40 pm »
I had a few enquiries about bank transfer but I don't accept them either.   I had a guy call me a few mins oast his booking time last week saying cash machines no cash will I do a bank transfer.  I just hung up and binned him off. 

Have also had idiots trying to pay using their phone instead of a physical card for my card reader.  They get shown the door also.

If I state very clearly on my adverts the payment methods I accept I instantly see them as boundary pushers and possibly trying to reverse the payment.   Kudos to the ladies who trust randoms with their bank details but I don't trust any client as far as I could pick them up and throw them lol.

Stand your ground. Dont feel bad about having rules and sticking to them.  They push 1 boundary they'll think others are possibly too.

Absolutely my experience.


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Re: Bank transfer and cash
« Reply #11 on: 20 December 2023, 04:09:57 pm »
Apologies for not responding to the question properly, I've got baby brain.