I am a prostitute and proud of what I do. I work hard, I give a good service so why should I not be proud.
prostitute is just my job title same as hooker, prossie, whore, harlot, lady of the night etc etc etc
It is just the actual name of what we do. I exchange sexual services for cash. That is defined by the word prostitute. An escort is someone who accompanies people to functions but offers no intimacy at all. Not even kissing. So I am not an escort.
I don't see why some women get so upset about their job title. It is what it is. If you are willing to sell sex then you cannot be offended by people using the correct term for what you do.
If people try to use it to upset me in an offensive manner then it doesn't matter what word they use or what they call me it is the tone and intent that pisses me off. Calling me a prostitute even in an offensive way wont upset me though as I am one and I don't find it a dirty or disgusting job so they cannot make the term offensive for me