Hi Denny
Have you had a look at http://www.saafe.info? Its mainly geared to the female escorts but some of the principles/advice will be useful to you too.
Its a known fact that male escorts are very rarely as sucessful as the women, unless you are bi sexual or gay. I dont know the reason behind this, but think its mainly down to supply and demand for male escorts.
Lots of guys fall into the trap of thinking just because they like sex they can become escorts. Its a harder (pun not intended) industry for male escorts to break into than female escorts. However, saying that there are some very sucessful male escorts out there, just not as many as the females.
Have a google/search around, see how the male escorts portray themselves. You have to show that your serious about what you are doing, and if you really think that you will be able to 'perform' with any woman that books you for that service, then go for it. As a woman if I was booking a male escort then I would want him to have a clean and easy to use site, with great professional pics, showing casual and smart clothing. I dont want cock pics, but maybe something that shows off your body shape to its best. But thats just me.
Let us know how you get on, but do all your research first.
Penny x x x